Indexing Service Tutorials
The Indexing service is designed to manage indexing configuration. Currently, the index provider supported in Commerce Engine is Algolia. Proper indexing allows you to enhance your search mechanism within Emporix system. By connecting your Algolia instance to Commerce Engine, you get an improved search functionality.
To learn more about the Indexing Service, see the Indexing Service.
.The Indexing service uses separate API keys for every tenant, so that you get more flexibility in configuration.
How to configure search indexing
To create indexing configuration, send a request to theUnknown error
- CORS is misconfigured on the server
- The server couldn't send a response
- No internet access
- Documentation issue - contact API owner
- Misconfigured security definition
How to update the index configuration
- To update the index configuration you need to retrieve the
first. Send the request to theGet configuration by provider name endpoint.
Unknown error
- CORS is misconfigured on the server
- The server couldn't send a response
- No internet access
- Documentation issue - contact API owner
- Misconfigured security definition
- To change configuration, make a call to the
Update configuration by provider name endpoint, providing thewriteKey
from the previous step.
Unknown error
- CORS is misconfigured on the server
- The server couldn't send a response
- No internet access
- Documentation issue - contact API owner
- Misconfigured security definition
- To apply your configuration changes to existing data, run the reindexing process. See the How to reindex existing products section.
How to reindex existing products
Usually, reindexing runs upon the update of a product or its dependant entity, such as category, price, or media. The scheduler job discovers what has been changed and pushes the changes to index frequently. But, if you change your index configuration, you need to trigger the reindexing process to apply your configuration changes. You can run the reindex without the need to update all your resource data by sending the request to theUnknown error
- CORS is misconfigured on the server
- The server couldn't send a response
- No internet access
- Documentation issue - contact API owner
- Misconfigured security definition
This operation starts the full reindexing mode.
How to retrieve public search configuration
If you want to get your storefront index configuration without the need to update, you can call the public endpoint to get thesearchKey
. Send the request to the Unknown error
- CORS is misconfigured on the server
- The server couldn't send a response
- No internet access
- Documentation issue - contact API owner
- Misconfigured security definition
How to choose indexing strategy
You can choose between two indexing strategies for your search index configuration:MERGE
strategy creates a single index for all sites declared in the system, while SPLIT
creates a separate index for each site.
To choose the right mode for your index, send the request to the Unknown error
- CORS is misconfigured on the server
- The server couldn't send a response
- No internet access
- Documentation issue - contact API owner
- Misconfigured security definition
choose indexing_siteAwareFieldsStrategy
. In the request body, pass the chosen strategy value.warning
Please remain patient as propagating changes to the index strategy may take up to 1 hour, so you might not be able to see the changes instantly.